Buying or Selling Property should not be the same as your approach to buy or sell other items, like furniture, a car, or equipment. When you want to buy or sell these less expensive items, more than likely your first focus is on finding the item that meets your needs and budget. You then shop at several places and work with whatever salesperson approached you first. Agency is not required for these transactions. And let’s be honest, how many times did the salesperson turn you off ? Their personality, approach, or perhaps lack of experience caused you to want to go elsewhere…. fast!
In the realm of Real Estate your first decision should be in selecting an Agent that will work hand-in-hand with you to achieve your goals and with your best interest in mind. Too many people think they should locate the house and then perhaps engage an Agent. You need the right agent, right from the start. The agent should be compatible with your personality as well as be knowledgeable about the area in which you have interest. I would love to get this across to everyone… choose your agent first. Lean on them for good accurate information and let them do a great job for you. That’s what we are here for!